- Install Eclipse - download eclipse from this site.
- Create a new Project - File->New->Other, select CVS/Checkout Project from Repository
- Enter CVS Info
- Select Create a new repository location and click next
- Enter evolveproject.cvs.sourceforge.net as host
- Enter /cvsroot/evolveproject as repository path
- Enter your sourceforge username and password
- For connection type select extssh and set the port to 22
- Click Next
- Select Use an existing module
- Select evolve4
- Hit finish
- When it asks for what type of project select Java/Java Project
- Pick a name
- Hit finish
- Add jars to build path
- Right click on projects and click Properties
- Select Java Build Path and tab libraries
- Click add JARs...
- Highlight all the jars in the lib folder in this project
- click ok
- Navigate to package main and open class Main.java
- Select Run As->Java Application